Life Insurance

Life Insurance
Why do I need life insurance?

You may not want to think about what would happen if you were to die tomorrow, but if someone relies on you financially, you probably need life insurance. And you’re not alone! In a recent survey, more than two in three Americans (43%) said they would feel the financial impact from the loss of a primary wage earner within six months and nearly one third (30%) of Americans say they need more life insurance. 
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What is life insurance? Think of it as a contract involving three parties – an insured person, a life insurance provider and a beneficiary. When the insured person dies, the contract stipulates that, following the filing of a death claim, the life insurance provider pays a sum of money to the beneficiary or beneficiaries. But the impact of life insurance is far-reaching. It can make all the difference to your loved ones by enabling them to enjoy the lifestyle you planned for them, even when you’re no longer here.
Life insurance can be used to cover burial expenses, pay the mortgage, fund your child’s education, and provide a nest egg for your family or favorite charity. Permanent life insurance can help you accumulate cash value on a tax-deferred basis to supplement your retirement savings.

Are you interested in Life Insurance? Request a quote by clicking on the button below. 
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Final Expense Insurance
Final Expenses usually include more than just funeral costs. Your family could be faced with:
  • Medical expenses, including physicians, prescription drugs, hospitals, home health care or hospice care.
  • Outstanding debts or other obligations
  • Obituaries, limousines, flowers, music, pastoral services and memorial cards
  • Cemetery plot
  • Grave opening and closing
  • Burial marker/monument
  • Legal Expenses
  • Unplanned miscellaneous expenses

What are your options for paying your final expenses?

  • Your loved ones could try to come up with the money from their own savings, but do you really want to pass along this burden?
  • They could borrow the money, but they would need to pay back the full amount plus interests
  • Purchase a Final Expense Insurance Plan
Check if you qualify?

Fill out a simple form by clicking on the Final Expense Quote button below to receive a fast and free quote. 

Final Expenses Quote
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